Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon

I noticed that Wizard of Oz is showing on television tonight, and it made me think about the rumor/urban legend that Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon was secretly composed as a soundtrack to the movie. For those who have tried it, as I once did, do you agree that there is something to this? For those who haven't (but have too much time on their hands and would like to try), you should begin Dark Side when the MGM Lion roars for the third and final time before the movie begins.

Note that the effects of certain chemicals on the brain may enhance the apparent synchronicity of Wizard and Dark Side -- or so I have read :->
The amazing thing is that I can believe that it is just coincidence, and still be amazed and think it's cool when watching The Wizard of Oz with Dark Side of the Moon.

That's why it would be fun to try playing other movies and albums together.

And also why iTunes or Windows Media Player's Visualizers are so popular.
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Very funny, Viridian!
I played Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" at the same time with Nine Inch Nails "The Natural," Disc 1. It amazed me how much they synched up so I had a few friends over to listen and watch. The accused me of programming the whole thing. Great 1999 soundtrack for a 1927 movie!
I watched "Citizen Kane" while playing Tony Orlando and Dawn. They completely synched, and I am now even more appreciative of the greatness that was Tony Orlando.

So, maybe you're right about Oz/Dark Side.
I want some chocolate cake and milk!No fudge brownies!Anybody seen the remote?Or the kids?