Your Favorite High Quality Audio Bulk Cable Manufacturer?

Who is your favorite audio cable manufacturer? What is your go to Brand? 


Think Belden, 1X Technologies, Monster Cable and other high end Brands like that.

What cables in particular do you lean on when upgrading your system?

Would you consider using a lesser known cable if it proved to be just as effective for you? 

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Dueland wire is made by Dueland, who also makes the finest capacitors on earth.  It is sold in North America through Parts Connexion.  Supra wire, also very good wire, is sold through Madisound.  Both cables small in diameter and very flexible.  You could spend 5-10X the amount of money on other speaker wire and not be better off. Just my two-cents worth.   
With my new speakers I've landed back on my one of my favorites: Tempo Electric. I just ordered a new set of speaker cables, a couple of gauges larger (from 16ga to 14ga). The 16ga gave me all I could ask for save for the lower mids and down from there. Piggy backing a single strand of Clear Day almost made my jaw drop (tired but true cliche in this case). Joe told me it would take about 3 strands of Clear Day to approximate 14 gauge when adding to my current 16 gauge and that going with 14 gauge will not detract from anything I'm hearing that I love so far. 

Joe sells single, solid core silver of various gauges and prefers bare ends unless you want terminations. When I ordered them I got around to asking about the jumpers I'm using and he told me he preferred to stay with the same type of wire so he's going to leave an extra three inches on the speaker end so I can reach both posts. Now that's smart and nice of him to offer! 👍.

He charges about 20% more than silver spot prices so he's not getting rich off of this. Here's a link to his POV: Make Your Own Silver Audio Cables. It's an interesting read and mirrors what others have said on these forums. And it makes sense. 

All the best,
Right on, thank you for the reply. Maybe my question was unclear initially.

I am asking who actually manufactures the cables, not who is selling the cable or "branding" the cable.

Who are these Brands utilizing to actually extrude the copper, jacket the cable, shield the cable, print the cable, etc. Here is a video from How It’s Made showing what I mean:

For instance -- Belden Inc.,Southwire,1X Technologies, Prysmian / General Cable, Alpha Wire, are all well known cable manufacturers in the insulated wire & cable manufacturing industry.

The companies you listed, while no doubt offering great audio cable products do not seem to be actual cable manufacturers listed by UL, CSA, ETL, and are not part of NEMA or NEC recognized. Like most commercial companies do, they seem to Brand their products and sell them to the public. (Albeit, I could be wrong)

I could be wrong, but they don’t seem to have cable manufacturing facilities of their own, it looks like they have their products private label manufactured so I was asking if you were aware who manufactures the cable for these Brands? Does Belden make the cable for Duelund under their private label? Does Southwire make the "Supra" products? Was just trying to get a clearer picture of where everything was originating.

If not, where do these brands "make" their products, and what safety standards are followed --think OSHA.

Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it a lot!