Your jaw dropping cables


Did you have any jaw dropping experience with any type of cable? Please refer to the cable and its predecessor (and I'm not referring just to VFM - also expensive ones count).
My computer audio system consists of an Asus Laptop feeding iTunes Lossless or Internet Radio stations to a Peachtree Audio MusicBox(DAC-Integrated Amp)driving Sonus Faber Toy Monitors.USB I/C was an Audioquest Forest.I've always felt drums & cymbals were slightly veiled until just yesterday when I pulled the Forest & installed a Silnote Poseidon Silver Statement USB cable,BAM!Right out of the box the veil was lifted & low level detail has increased slightly!
Anyone still in the cables don't make a difference camp can eat my shorts!
My Master Built (by Delphi Aerospace) speaker cables and interconnects are the best I have ever had. I have had many of the high end-high cost stuff and none touch these cables. The most musical cables I have ever heard.
I have the same high opinion of the Masterbuilt cables, interconnects, and powercords as Thankful. To me, the powercords were the most surprising. Well worth trying before you make the leap and a they have a 90 day return/refund guarantee.
LessLoss Anchorwave Loudspeaker Cables.

I went from Kimber 4TC to these LessLoss Anchorwaves: Jaw dropping indeed! They may be 6 times the price of the 4TC, but they perform preferably (to my ears) to even the highly praised Siltech 770L, and, the Siltech's cost almost 4 times more than the LessLoss Anchorwave cables!

I'm also a fan of their Anchorwave interconnects. A very similar story there, too.