Your Perfect Office System?

If you wanted good background music with a bit of dynamic for a wide range of music styles, what would be your perfect ofice system: amp/receiver, cd player, FM tuner, speakers?
No need for such a huge investment in a small office. I have a NAD 370 with a pair of bookshelf Boston VR series. Great sound.
not perfect but gets the job done

an NAD 710 receiver
B&W 302's (excellent resolution)
Cal AUdio Aria (tube) cd player
Nakamichi BX 150 for cassette playback

THe cassette and cd player were pieces that evolved from my bedroom system

Home office is different; just another room. Commercial office has to be heard and not seen. Something with a remote control is a must for a commercial office.

Home Office:
YBA Integre DT with phono
B&W CDM-1 (original version) and stands.
Blue Circle BC92 speaker cables.
Pioneer DVD with Stan Warren Mods
Dual Turntable/Ortofon OM-20 Super
Onkyo Integra T4087 Tuner
Siltech interconnects
Sony Television

Work Office
Onkyo Integra Audio Receiver (Not an HT receiver).
B&W DM100i bookshelf speakers (on the bookshelf).
Rotel RCD-855 CD player
MAS Black Interconnects
IXOS speaker cables

Westlake Lc5.75F speakers
Cardas Golden Reference cables
Boulder 1060 amplifier
Boulder 1012 preamplifier/RIAA/DAC
Basis 2500/Graham Robin/ClearAudio Victory
Accuphase DP-85 SACD/CD player
Zoethecus Z.3/R
HOT secretary to flip records for me and fetch coffee...