YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.


I just wanted to share some data from YouTube as I found it quite eye-opening and thought some of you might too.

I've posted a couple vids on YouTube recently and, as some will know, YouTube provides analytics data with every video, which is available to the channel owner.

The first video featured a Krell KSA 80 amp and at the time of writing this there have been 9,500 views:

Female - 0%
Male - 100%

13–17 years 0%
18–24 years 0%
25–34 years 0%
35–44 years 0.9%
45–54 years 13.5% 
55–64 years 44.4%
65+ years 41.3%

So, 100% male, and pretty much all of the traffic is from guys 45 years old and above, with 40%+ from guys over 65!!

The second video was a spoof (song) on Audiophiles that was shared a lot and watched by a lot of audiophile spouse, so the stats were slightly different, but not much. At the time of writing, 18,150 views:

Female 2.4%
Male 97.6%

13–17 years 0%
18–24 years 0%
25–34 years 0%
35–44 years 5.9%
45–54 years 18.6%
55–64 years 35.5%
65+ years 40.1%

The video was watched by a few females because it was shared and hit with a slightly younger audience but not by much. For all intents and purposes, the stats are the same for both vids.

Caveat - YouTube tends to attract an older audience and it's tipped up towards males. TikTok would show different results, but I think YouTube is really the platform of choice for most of us, so the data is more pertinent. 

Conclusion - we're a dying breed. 40% of us will be dead in a few years and there's not many 'yoots' coming through to replace us.

No real surprise here but we're all blokes - old, fat, sweaty, bearded, and about to kick the proverbial bucket. (Yes, I'm speaking entirely for myself).

Do you think there's more that manufacturers, dealers, reviewers etc. should be doing, or is it just the inevitable playing out?


Here's the link to the two vids for reference: 
Krell KSA80
The Audiophile Song



Oh, I see... thanks for the clarification.

You’d think the industry would want to somehow adjust its marketing and business plan, knowing its aging customer base will only be around for a few more years.


I think the demographics would be the same 20 years ago and in 20 years.  When I was younger I was out doing active stuff and disposable income was spent on kids and pay off debt.  

Ear buds and streaming music is pretty good. If you are more serious a headphone amp and headphones gets you there. Not sure the average person wants to spend any more money than that.

I'm guessing most of us had "ah ah" experiences when young with component systems. I doubt many in subsequent generations have or will. 


So what happens with all this audio equipment as audiophiles age out or leave the planet? Think about all the equipment that's been accumulated by boomers over all these years involved in this hobby/obsession. Is it hoarded then junked, sold only to other boomer audiophiles, sold to younger crowd, willed to younger family members? You'd think at least some of this equipment goes to younger crowd, so much equipment, so few audiophiles.


If only the elderly are purchasing audio equipment there will soon come a day when fewer audiophiles will lead to severe depreciation of all this equipment, would lower prices bring younger cohorts into the hobby?