Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I really have no time to deal with personal attacks on audiogon. I have a gun show to attend today so that I can be ready when the U.N. does invade the South. Goodbye.
Rotarius is the typical example of a liberal, left wing, arrogant, elitist snob. It's not all his fault. He went through 12 years of indoctrination in school and probably 4 more years in college. All his friends and family are lefties. He gets all of his news from the lefties. Everything he knows about life he got from lefties. He really didn't stand a chance. Instead of condemning him we should pity him.
Has anyone compared the Lore to the Pendragon? I have the Pendragon in my system now, and while I LOVE the sound, they are just too big for my setup. The 'dragons are up for sale and as soon as they sell, I plan to buy a pair of Lores. I'm hoping the Lore sounds similar. My guess is they don't go as deep and don't have as big of a soundstage, but other than that, are they close?
01-15-13: Ecruz
Has anyone compared the Lore to the Pendragon?

User Gpowered owned Lores and then Pendragons. See his posts in the July 2011 timeframe in this thread.

He also did a review of the Pendragons but I didn't see him mention the Lores (didn't read the whole thing)