Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
I found Zu varial and especially the Ash digital Ic to really open up the HF, compared to cardas and stereovox. I think as my pre and power amps are tubed maybe it was dark before?

For me it had more effect than changing amps?
Gopher: Phil does not believe that room impacts sound, especially in bass.

Therefore, he says that what you put your Souls on does not matter. It is "floor height insensitive' because it say so on the box.

In reality, put different speaker on carpet, wood, stone, you hear difference in bass.

Also, height of speaker can have impact on what you hear because super tweeter is very directional, and that impact tonal balance.

This is not about controlling gap height (which happen in druid) but about placement and room interaction effecting tone.
Naggot: Can you tell us more about your room setup? How directional have you set Druid FRD?

I am very curious about how new Soul FRD work for someone who, for room reasons, has used Druid FRD very directional.
>>Phil does not believe that room impacts sound, especially in bass.<<

Uh...I haven't written or said this, ever. I said some people may not care enough to do anything about it, yet still find $2000 - $3000 speakers worthwhile.

>>he says that what you put your Souls on does not matter.<<

Nope, didn't say that, either. I said I don't recommend placing speakers on an MDF slab on top of carpet, and explained why.

>>It is "floor height insensitive' because it say so on the box.<

What I said is that Soul is gap height insensitive by design. And it is, above 1/4". At 1/4" or less, it isn't.

>>In reality, put different speaker on carpet, wood, stone, you hear difference in bass.<<

That's a different issue than the question raised, which was a query about the right gap height. But placing any speaker on different surfaces and hearing a bass difference is more a matter of anchorage, speaker-to-floor interface chosen, than specific material. You can manage different material interfaces to the same end.

>>Also, height of speaker can have impact on what you hear because super tweeter is very directional, and that impact tonal balance.<<

Which I stated, in different terms.

>>This is not about controlling gap height (which happen in druid) but about placement and room interaction effecting tone.<<

It is about controlling gap height if that's the variable by which he's hearing differences. As I also said, there are many other factors, room properties being merely a subset of influences. A given user may or may not care to mitigate them.

My room is large and L shaped, this is why I'm interested in the wider dispersion of the soul FRD. It measures 6m wide by 9m long with the foot of the L extending a further 6m. 6m is around 20ft.

Carpeted with soft furnishings. on One wall is a glass door measuring 2.7m high by 4m long.

I have the Druids around 2m from side walls and 2m apart. With toe in focussed to a point about 3.5m in front/center. The focal point is about 3 people wide.

I like to listen to blues, rock and dance style music. I have the mini methods filling in the bass. I find the bass levels increase and decrease as I walk around the room. I haven't treated for this. My floors are timber with carpet.

I found the mundorf caps made a difference and the ash digital make the treble far more open but not harsh...... Real sounding, the bass is incredible at times, tight fast no boom. The mid at the focal point is amazing, voices and guitars are in the room, you catch yourself lookig around for them such is the reality. I listen mainly standing up not sitting.

Off axis this dissapates, still sounds good but the image is gone. I hope the Soul FRD Improves this area

Due to kids the Druids are close to the back wall, I have the gap set at one cd case above the carpet with a vinyl floor tile on the carpet. The Druids are also held down with a bracket to prevent the children tipping them over.

I use zu libtec speaker cables, zu varial and zu ash ics. These replaced cardas golden cross and neutral refs and alphacore goertz mi2 speaker cables.