Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.

I've stuck my toe into the world of Monoblocks, and because my current shelving dictates the amps will "live" on the floor I need to buy a pair of amp stands.

Can the forum please share it's knowledge re what to look for in a pair of quality stands. Brand recommendations welcome, too. Thanks.
I personally use HRS stands:

Others have reported good results with Sistrum stands:
And others have reported good results with Critical Mass stands, though pricey.
I know they are overpriced, but I am extremely happy with my purchase of a Mapleshade 4 inch amp block. They provide feet for it, which really do wonders.
I have had great success with Sound Anchors amp stands on my VTL tube monoblocks, as well as a Levinson 333 solid state stereo amp.
The improvement in sonics was nothing short of astonishing with the tube amps. I just received the stands about a month ago and I am still amazed -- greater clarity overall; smoother highs, tighter stronger bass. I can't say enough about the improvements.
When I had the Levinson, there was a substantial improvement in those areas as well, not as dramatic as the tube amps, but still significant. I felt that I would not want to listen to my system with the Levinson without the Sound Anchors stand after hearing it with the stand.
Bob, the Sound Anchors owner, is a true audiophile and manufactures a high quality product. They are not cheap, but the investment is well worth it.
Consider the Machina Dynamica Promethean springs and get your own wood sandwiches locally. Very reasonable cost and extremely effective. Moreso than many other exotic ($$$) approaches that I've tried. Currently I am using this set up under my CD player and power conditioner