Just the musings of an audiophile

I have been listening to music on my system today because I am sick with nothing else to do. I am 54yrs old. when I started acquiring my first stereo equipment over 35yrs ago I was convinced that being an audiophile was a curse. It isn't something you pursue, like being a doctor or carpenter. It seems like you either have it or you don't, from birth. Now I am sounding like a gay person, which I am not. Back to the point, It was a curse because I bought the best I could afford many years ago, but was never satisfied, I could always pick the system apart and complain about this or that. I really never enjoyed listening to the systems because of the flaws, but I love music! I could have a system that was 99.99% of the time 100% perfect, but to me it was junk. Now I am lucky enough to have a system that, to me is 100% of the time 100% perfect. I didn't think it was possible, but it is. Some of my equipment is Krell, I had to send the pre-amp back to the factory 4 times over a 2 year period before they finally discovered the factory flaw and fixed it. No longer is, being an audiophile, a curse. it is a blessing. A very expensive blessing!
I may not be a true audiophile. I really don't give a rat's --- what kind of equipment is playing, as long as the music sounds good.

When it does sound good though, I always want to know what its playing on and exactly why it sounds so good, if possible.
Sorry you not feeling well and hope you get better soon,

Its a curse if you are poor or a miserable person who cant accept things you cant change, its a blessing when you canboth afford to do it right and realize the music is the entire point of it all.......you are for now in a very good place but it may not last :)
I cant and wont ever be able to do it all and I am ok with that (for the most part) but I am very lucky to have what I have and enjoy the system and music very much yet I still enjoy checking out and demos of new gear and even the shows.......I am just a fan of the whole process!
being an audiophile is neither a blessing nor a curse. it is an implied association with those who accept certain principles and assumptions about audio reproduction.

since i do not accept such principles and assumptions, i am not an audiophile.
Mapman & Mrtennis have hit the nail on the head & burried it. "Audiophile, audioschmile" as Daffy Duck may say. It is a self appointed title. It is a fun hobby with great results, associates & pacification. The equipment is fun to doodle with, then kick back, enjoy & maybe doodle with some more. Audiogon gives us all a great avenue to drive us into sonic heavan maybe a little more.
Enjoy the musings, tweakings & "tunage". If you want a title, more power to ya. :'> It's all part of the show.