Hi End rack really deliver?

OK I want to know if you feel using a high end rack really delivers legible sound improvement? I am trying to get the wife to buy into an "ugly" high end rack...vs "furnture". She is very skeptical but has agreed that if it really adds to the sound and can be heard she will maybe loosen up. I have never run my stuff on a good rack so I honestly dont know. I would be interested also if anyone is aware of any good racks that also look nice for the WAF....I am in Hawaii so I have to order it from the continental US proably anyway so I need to get it right from day 1.
Depends. If you only have a few components consider a long/low piece of furntiure with a surface area large enough to hold all your components. Here's the twist:

Each component (maybe 2 max- size dependent) will be placed on a maple type board, under each board a set of Machina Dynamic Promethean springs. This is a simple and very effective rack.
People believe they hear anything, so no doubt, some rack will be "jaw dropping".
its really impossible to audition a rack. just buy something you think 'looks' good.