Get new FM receiver or better antenna?

For FM radio I am using the tuner in my Onkyo 805 avr with a $30 Radio Shack powered antenna. Most of the time the reception is awful, even from nearby stations.

I suspect I need an outdoor antenna, but can't do that 'cause I live in a rented house and can't put any holes through the wall.

Would a better antenna, like the Terk Q or Terk Pro, do the trick or do I need a seperate FM tuner?
The tuners in most HT receivers are afterthoughts and even with an outdoor antenna the reception will most likely just be ok.

A vintage receiver from the 70's like a Marantz 22XX series or a Pioneer SX series would work very well. You would just connect the receiver to one of your Onkyo's AUX inputs. These receivers are usually cheap to pick up and work well with indoor antennas. I live in a NYC apartment with steel frame windows and doors and this is what I do.

Regards, Rich
Even if you upgrade to a better tuner, you will need a decent antenna, so I would start there first. Check out the following website for guidance on indoor antenna selection:

There is a link on that page to Magnum Dynalab, the Canadian company that specializes in FM tuners. They make pretty good indoor antennae. I have the cheaper ribbon one myself, but the long whip one is better. I get poor results myself from cheap, amplifying antennae which just increase both the signal and noise level and do a poor job of noise rejection.
I agree with Rar1 and would also suggest the sony xdrf1hd. I am using this tuner and it is surprisingly good. It is also very small and gets hd radio,just a bonus,as the fm reception is great.