So Much "Harshness"

In perusing the various boards, both here and elsewhere ("we toured the world and elsewhere")one theme that seems to be prevalent is "my system sounds harsh" or "this cd player seems harsh", etc.

Why are complaints of "harshness" so common? Are people selecting the wrong components based on dealer demos where the "brighter" components sound better due to additional detail? Is it caused by a taste for music which is intentionally mixed bright to be heard better on transistor radios? (The radios are gone, but the mixing tradition lives on, doesn't it?) Are they simply listening louder than their systems will tolerate without deteriorating? I think this is pretty common. It costs a lot of money for a system that will deliver audiophile sound at high volume.

What do you think?
I think its taste. It is so easy to pop in a tube or two and mellow that glare.

Also, people like today's shrill brash ultimately crappy music, which is made with drum machines and electronic samplings and the like. Those who complain might be playing Bach through components designed for crappy disco house music.
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Picking up on what Al said. Some complain about the perfection of recorded classical music, how unatural and dehumanizing it is. Its gotten to the point where some are disappointed with live performance because there are mistakes.

Chashmal, I don't think a great deal of this brash sound can be fixed with tubes. I have nearly all tubes in my system, still hear plenty of brashness, harshness and glare from poor recordings.

Its true, too many contemporary recordings sound like crap, a major reason my collection is only 15% contemporary. Too many remasters of old recordings are also bright, glary and hard.
To speak to one of Al's points, correcting mistakes in orchestral recording doesn't generally have anything to do with the number of mikes used. If a note is missed, it cannot be fixed if there is not another take with the correct one. There would be some exceptions, but not many. Almost never is there only one take done of anything, unless it is from a live performance, and even then they usually have what they call a "patch" session, in case there were problems in the same spot of every performance. Recording a symphony orchestra is indeed very expensive, that is why many orchestras have turned to self-produced recordings from live performances, generally sold only in the local area.

Tvad, I do have a TT-PSU that I use with my P5 turntable, perhaps this is why the power conditioner had such a negative effect on the sound??
Assuming everything is in good working order to start, then most often either because downstream electronics cannot reproduce the sharp transients found in many digital sources cleanly and/or amplifiers are not properly matched to drive a particular set of speakers properly and/or speakers not matched to room.

Noise/distortion present or introduced into the line level signal can exacerbate the problem certainly as well.

Also I believe it is seldom due to the recording other than that some digital recordings are hard for systems to reproduce cleanly again due to the sharp transients present. That is more of a problem with the challenges of playback than it is with the recording itself.

A few strategically placed tubes can definitely help I have learned of late. They seem to act as natural and highly effective high pass filters that definitely take the edge off things in avery natural sounding way.

Oh, and lets not forget about jitter in digital playback systems, though I think this is less of a real problem in general with newer equipement these days than it used to be.

I think that pretty much covers it....

Lots of causes resulting in lots of cases as the poster observes.....