After some upgrades, where is the weak link

Have just finished a couple upgrades, and would like your opinions on where the weak link in the system is now...details:

Levinson 390s player (digital out to processor)

Levinson 380s preamp

Levinson 360s processor

Levinson 436 monoblocks (balanced connection from the preamp, and they rest on Core Designs amp stands)

Revel Salons

Martin Logan Depth (single ended connection from preamp)

RPG 600 power conditioner--amps plugged directly in the wall (with Porter Pots cryo's outlets) and preamp, cd player, processor and sub plugged into the power conditioner

MIT AC1 power cord for the cd player

Kimber cable XLR from processor to preamp

Kimber cable PK-10 gold power cords for the amps

Staightwire (not sure of model, but their top of the line) biwire to the speakers (around 3 foot runs)

System geometry can be seen on my system description page.

It sounds pretty good to my ears--but interested in your opinions on the weakest link...


How about a good record player? That will give you something to occupy your spare time. I have no problem with CDs, but I think anyone looking for audio satisfaction should also consider vinyl to compliment their CD collection. You may realize that that "extra" thing you were looking for was not a different transport, etc.
Wow! Nice system. If you go to Decware website, Steve has written many papers on room acoustics. He states that 50% of sound is from components and the other 50% is the room that they are in and how they interact together. You might have standing bass waves that are causing a null in the listening position.
Have you listened from different areas to see if the bass is stronger than it is when you are in the sweet spot? Try it and see, if the bass is stronger in a different seat then maybe some bass traps would help.
Of course, always check polarity of speaker connections if the bass is not happening as it should.

Speaker placement is the next most likely culprit.

And of course adding a sub seldom hurts with most speakers if adjusted to blend in properly..