How is your power bill?

Recently I moved my equipment to our vacation home south of the border. On average the power bill ran about $12 per month. After setting up the three Krell Amps (fpb 350s and a KSA 150) to drive the Maggie 20.1s, etc. and, in addition to listening to music, starting watching nightly action movies through the system as well. The new power bill was almost $70.00!!

Thoughts? Your experience with this?
At one time I had some Lamm 1.1 monoblocks as well as a few of the Krell pure class A heat hog amps and my power bill was at least $60 more a month. That's one thing I pay attention to anymore when buying equipment; what is the power consumption (guess I've gone green).
My power bill (in Houston, Tx, where power is paradoxically expensive) goes up by about $150/mo. if I play the stereo a lot. There are 23 tubes plus two isolation transformers in use when vinyl is playing, so some of the cost is additional A/C to counteract all those space heaters. The two channel system sounds great with video, but due to the cost, I now use it infrequently for tv. If you're complaining about paying $70/mo - good grief. Mine is at least 5x that, in a modest apartment. And down south, you will avoid Obabma's plan to raise rates for all US residents, during a recession, with the carbon-swap scheme.
Lloydc: HA! Yes, I am grateful that it is only $70 but nonetheless that is a sharp increase and I wanted to know if the real reason was my gorging on music and movies and whether or not I was alone in this increased cost of living! I sorta new the answer already! The current political climate in the U.S. is one of the big reasons that we are making the move!! I understand your sentiment.
My Krell FPB300cx has the following listed in the owners manual as power consumption;
Stand by; 60w
Idle; 175w
Hauling butt; 1700w

The KCT manual doesn't list the power consumption. It does run very warm at idle so I reckon it sucks some juice.
A small price to pay for the tunes it produces.