Baby name opinion....

Expecting a child, a baby girl. I have never been one for unusual names but one that I have never heard as a name has been nagging me as a consideration. ....Stereo..... Am I just getting used to the sound of a totally ridiculous and cruel first gift to her? Initially our friends just laughed but some are coming around with positive comments... Stereo....
You are presently at the hysterical phase of baby-naming. At this point, you have tried all the names you can possibly imagine and none of them seems to fit. You feel you must nonetheless come up with a name, any name, or you will have to call the baby "It" or "Thing" and so you grasp at any floating straw. "Spumoni." "Hazard Warning." "Platelet." "Shrek."

There is no solution but trust. The child will let you know her name without the possibility of doubt when the time comes. Realize this and enjoy the wacko notions you come up with in the meantime.

With warm good wishes from a guy whose first kid was going to be named "Water Tap" for a couple of weeks before his birth.
Going with Markphd here, stereo doesn't sound feminine to me. Generally, spanish masculine ends in o, feminine in a. How about Sterea!
I wanted to name my son "Spider" but no one else liked it,especially my wife! So, a good compromise is to give the child a fairly normal first name and an unusual middle name. They won't hate you and they can go by their middle name if they so choose.
you're just setting her up to be picked on by her classmates Prologic and Fivepointone Surround.
On the other hand, I think Seven is still up for grabs!
(Unless George Costanza finally got married and had a kid!)

Oh and NO, don't do it!
Name your kid something normal, and not:
Dweezel, Moon Unit, China, Apple, Scout, Rumor, Adolph Hitler, or any of the other lunatic names that the Rock N'Roll and/or Hollywood crowd, (and others), have come up with lately!

Do your kid a favor and let them have a normal childhood.

(Okay, Apple is not so bad, but two thumbs down on the rest.)