Advice going from SS to tubes?

Hi all, I'm considering going from SS to tubes. For me, this means changing speakers (currently Usher 6381) to more efficient designs, and of course buying a quality tube amp(s). I have a Shindo Auriges L preamp that I like very much, so I'll hold onto that for now and see if I can work it into the new system.

My musical tastes are rock, acoustic male/female, blues and soul. I need a set up that is dynamic with good bass. So I think I'm leaning toward floor standing speakers (the Auriges does not have a sub out, and I don't have a very musical sub anyway).

My general question is, what things should I think about when making the switch? I'm aware of some of the maintenance issues with tube amps, I want a good one, but would rather have fewer tubes as opposed to many.

The other question relates to specifics: any speaker recommendations? amp recommendations?... speaker/amp/preamp combinations?...

If there are other threads on this subject pls link provide links. Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
Unless you know exactly why you want to switch I wouldn't. It is akin to starting over. If you have a system that is satisfying you now do not believe that all its virtues will be preserved in your new one. All systems are tradeoffs and many audiophiles tread in a constant circle seeking a system that will give them everything.
I like Tpreaves choice of Rogue, but isn't the Tempest an Integrated amp? Since Tholt has a great preamp, he needs a power amp. My advice is to go with the Rogue Stereo 90 which has a good amount of power, sounds great, and is built like a tank. I used the Stereo 90 with Triangle speakers. In tandem with the Rogue, they sound awesome and are very tube friendly. I've also heard good things about the Tylers, but have never auditioned them.
It is hard to go wrong with the rogue tube gear. Their amps provide good sound across the spectrum and are especially good in the bass department for tube amps. Plus made in the USA and good customer service.
Yes Tholt you are correct. The speakers were my problem and going on the advice of several members I changed them.It was a great move to say the least. Cyclonicman, yes,the Tempest is an integrated, I wasn't suggesting it to Tholt, just relating my experience with tube equipment.
"Their (Rogue) amps provide good sound across the spectrum and are especially good in the bass department for tube amps."

That description is consistent with what I have heard out of Rogue power amps.