Notice to all. Bob Williams of Audionut deceased.

Hi All,

A sad day if you ever had the pleasure to meet or deal with "Bob" the Audionut. He was a true gentleman and one of the "REAL" characters in this hobby. I will miss him greatly.
I'll comment on Taters behalf. I've been around a little longer and never heard of this gentlemen either. It's true that there is much more to the world than A'gon. I guess every geographic area has it's shinning stars! I could comment on Buzz Wheatly and most likely get a response from a member in the swame fashion of Taters. When I read his post I didn't take any offense of disrespect whatsover. Actually, life is too short to even think that way! :))

Then what is the point of the post? I didn't know Bob Williams either, but obviously several members here did. Why not let them mourn his passing and share stories without interjecting pointless, insensitive comments?

It is actually possible to have thoughts without expressing every one.
Or we could spend our lives getting mad at offhanded comment people make. My respects to Bob Williams, even though I didn't know him either.
Hey folks,let's move on. Having been one of the members to post a
negative post for Taters,... I read his response( re:1st post by Taters), and I take his word that he meant no disrespect.