Which is the best high end passive power filter?

Hi members, I am currently seriously researching the best passive power 8 point filters & would like to know firstly if there is a passive filter which unquestionably improves the sound of high end audio systems without strangling dynamics, or imparting a sonic "signature" of it's own? And secondly, as I live in Australia; is either available in Aust-spec, or is sold by a company which is likely to offer the board in that spec?

An obvious front runner at the moment is Shunyata's new Hydra 8v2 which offer the Hydra in Australa. I have heard the new model 8v2 is slightly better than the previous Vray which is a big wrap.

I should say I am sceptical about power filters. An audiophile friend of mine who happens to have owned a hifi store in Australia for more than 25 years said he never heard a power filter (in Australia) which didn't have a negative impact on the sound, including some very high gear including (from memory) a Burmester active filter, so I would need to be convinced to take the plunge.

So is the new Hydra 8v2 the best option, or maybe even a stretch to save for the new Vray v2?

(Thanks in advance for your ideas)

I've been trying his and am pretty impressed so far.
Hi Rushton, yeah I was actually looking at Lloyd's power filter & was impressed. He is a Mr Magoo-type character with some pretty unique and exceptional gear. His price all told is in the ballpark, so no problem there. My only query would be if he would be prepared to properly customise his standard US version to AU spec (incl: AU spec power outlets). I love his custom-made maple platform & valid points..no stone left unturned!
Melbguy1, take a look at my recent GON review of the Running Springs Dmitri AC conditioner for the details why it was signficantly better then two of the other pieces already mrntioned on your thread in my system.
Here are my recommendations:

1.Sound Applications Referance.The best IMO,I personally prefer it to the Walker's Velocitor.Much more quiter background..

2.My friend [using all tubes amplifications]really love the power wing made by Alan Krafton;http://www.audioexcellenceaz.com/powerwing.htm

I have borrowed it ,in my referance system,I still prefer The SA.BTW I use Alan's cable cooker and simply love it ,and Alan is such a wonderful man,just write to him.

3.Acoustic Revive Ultime ain't too bad either ,but I think not in the same class as the above too.

4.As far as Shunyata is concerned the Hydra v2 is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the original ,to my ears.The problem I have with Shunyata ...(and most power conditioners ),is it has a certain 'flavour'...add up its sonoc characteristic.It might not be a bad thing if your system need some flavouring,but they are not for me....

Following the Ashes,Mate?