How do you listen to your music?

Curious, other than either doing a random or playlist on an HD based system, do you stack up a pre-selected amount of vinyl/cd before sitting down or do you play as you go, (sometimes clean as you go as well) or, start with the stacks and find one track always leads you to get up and pick another album?
I usually put on one CD at a time to play and then decide what to play next after that album has played through. If I am listening to vinyl, I get a stack ready before I start to play.
Mostly off the music server of late. I burn CDs to the server prior to listening usually rather than pop them in the player. Then, I often put selected cuts on random play off the server so I do not know what is coming next. A good way to listen to and re-discover music objectively without pre-conceptions going in.

I also burn records to CD and then transfer those to music server as well when I can, but transferring records to CD is still a time consuming process.
I usually have a specific song or CD in mind when I sit down to listen and go from there. I never have a listening session planned with all the titles ready to go.
I'm not suggesting it's a bad idea or that there's something wrong with people who do. In fact it's probably a good idea, but I just never do it.
Clean album side, prep pro cd burner, record side one, clean 2nd album side, unpause burner, label disc, spend 10 min picking other album, clean side one, put new cd in pro burner, record, clean side 2 of lp, unpause burner, spend 15-20 min picking next album, clean side 1, record on cd, clean side 2, record on cd, spend 20-30 min picking album out...and so on until the 6-7 album takes me into the wee hours of the morning...where I have fallen asleep, and the turntable stylus has plowed a nice trench into the last groove of side 2. Next day, the saga continues.
I rather play over and over my favorite disc, sit down and enjoy the sound of my theater.