Have you turned your loved ones into audiophiles

Have you turned some of your loved ones into audiophiles? Perhaps you have a spouse who now shares your passion and interest. Or maybe your children are starting to follow in your footsteps.
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Well, I guess I am the exception.

I have turned my brother in law into a budding audiophile.
(He has a decent stereo, and he is quite into vinyl now.)

My wife loves listening to music, and while she won't put on vinyl, (as she is respectfully afraid of using the turntable-which is okay by me!), she does prefer vinyl to CDs, so she can tell the difference.

And, my little girl (now age 9) loves music and loves to dance to the music, and has since she was 4 or 5 years old. (I notice that most of her friends don't quite get into music nearly as much as she does.)

And, I have a friend who is also a mid-level audiophile, (he has a pretty decent system), and I take a fair amount of credit for him being an audiophile, since he always loved listening to my system. (In fact, he says that I need to leave him something from my system, when I make out my will.)

So, I've done my part to continue this hobby/obsession of ours! ;-)
No but one of my daughters married a budding one and I have encouraged him. ;-)

yeah right. there is no 'friends and family plan' for audio. a hobby shared with a spouse is no hobby.