Can the glass on a tube be repaired???

I dropped a rare NOS tube and the top of the glass broke off. Everything else seems fine. Can the tube be repaired and if so, who does the repair work?

Thank you.
Fortunately Bigkidz, there are a more than a few good NOS 6NS7's still
around but, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you now need to get a matched pair? So
many times if you don't, the mismatch sonically is too apparent in lots of
gear, even after biasing. Something that may make this mishap sting even a
bit more. Sorry

Nice video Albert... Reminds me of time gone by watching my grand father
making crystal radios for my brother and I and watching my father (fine watch
maker and gunsmith) machine and fit custom watch gears and staffs and his
father making wood furniture with detailed marquetry, all great craftsmen. My
have we lost some of these rare talents in a generation or two.

Happy Listening!
There are some glass audio tube repair services, you can try contacting them. Here's the website:
I watched the video. It was fascinating it. How did he evacuate the tube to create a vacuum? If it was there, I missed it?

Check this tube making video out.LINK>>[]
This is pretty simple, if the glass is broken and you can put your finger inside the that 6SN7 tube. The tube is a goner