Miles Davis - Time After Time

Hello guys,
I just got subject CD (Jazz door 1257 - 2 disc) and really like the music but the recording quality is quite poor. Has anyone heard this album on a good quality recording ? Thx
This cut is found on the Miles Davis album "You're Under Arrest" 1985 Columbia label. The Vinyl is good, any pressing, and I'm sure Sony/Columbia has by now a good digital transfer to CD. Whatever CD you have is evidently a poor master/transfer... it happens.
It is a great album as is Tutu done around the same period. I do think the CD quality of both leaves a lot to be desired. Many of the Miles remasters are quite good (Porgy & Bess and KOB, for example), but these two don't sound as good as they should be.
Thanks for your comments guys, appreciate it. I got in this hobby in 2004 and just now starting to really discover Miles Davis.