Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?

I have been experiencing ringing in my ears and think I may have it. Any recommendations?
My doctor told me listen to music - "it will cover up the ringing". This was actually a major victory, because my wife told me the ringing was **because** I listen to too much music ;-)

I have noticed that my tinnitus comes and goes with more or less caffeine. I am curious whether the Quietus stuff actually works, though not curious enough to try it myself . . .
Has anyone tried the free online software that generates various tones you are supposed to listen to via headphones/earbuds to help tinnitus? Here's the link.
Keeping your ears clean can help as excess ear wax build up can make tinnitus worse ....
Lots of causes--you need a good ENT evaluation--after that then possible treatments--none of which are terrific---need ENT to evaluate ----to make sure you don't have an acoustic neuroma etc --Rich M.D.
'"Quietus" [...] I hope this is real...'

It's homeopathic, which is means absolutely worthless.