The Next Step - what would you do?

Dear Audiogoners,

i'm sitting here listening to my setup, and realising my last thread has lost relevance.

i have a choice to make now, after about 15 years of slow, consistent upgrading. i need to take my system to the next level. i'm sure we've all been there at one point or another. so my current system is:

Pass Labs Aleph 5
Pass Labs D1
CEC CD2100 [running Supra AES/EBU]
Thiel CS 0.5
MIT MH-750 speaker leads
budget XLR leads otherwise

so i see the choices as follows:
1. get an amp with more current, and bigger thiel speakers
2. move to bigger, more sensitive speakers [spendor SP100, big proacs]
3. get a new girlfriend

all perfectly viable choices, but i'm sure both 1. or 2. would be less expensive. i've run the gamut of musical styles, but as i get older, and my hifi becomes more resolving, i find myself drawn to recordings of un-amplified instruments, such as old jazz recordings. still, i like a little thump now and then, any system should be reasonably flexible.

So, Audiogoners, what would YOU do, and why??

all the best!
If you really want to have fun again; I mean fun like when you first entered into this hobby, like a proverbial shot-in-the-arm, a renewed interest as intense as ever before, then you must look into, research and find out all there is to know about, high-end music servers. I see that you’re embracing digital (not pursuing analog), so why not take your digital system to the next level. Straight digital files, when “played” via really good servers (i.e.: DACs) sound every bit as good as what any CD player can accomplish (and there will be more and more options/solutions – “DACs” available in the near future to choose from).

You owe it to yourself to experience this unbelievable (“new”) format. The future will bring true DSD streaming capabilities and the current high definition digital files already surpass anything on standard CD. This is all icing on the cake, because you can still hear your current library of Redbook CDs as you’ve never heard them before – from your chair, never having to place another CD in the transport, with access to as many songs, in any order that you wish, with absolutely no loss of fidelity or musicality.

Keep your current components (amp, speakers…) and put together a high-end music server. I swear that you will be utterly amazed – ask (ANYONE) who has made the transition for their opinions – especially the way they felt once they actually sat down and interfaced with the music…
Tonywinsc, i'd rather get a new girlfriend than have TWO systems! haha you have a death wish!?

Never open this thread when she's in the same room...
thanks for all the answers [and humor]. but we're not addressing the real question, regarding an upgrade to either a higher current amp, or more sensistive speakers:

'in your varied and likewise relevant opinions, Audiogoners, which direction would you choose to go, and why?'

[except Elizabeth, a very relevant suggestion]

2chnlben, i'm waiting to make that jump, my whole library is already ripped as Apple Lossless. i tried streaming wirelessly to an airport express, and an optical cable to my DAC but the sound wasn't as good as from CD. when i can stream it wirelessly, and then via AES/EBU to my DAC, i'll gladly buy whatever it is they're selling.

Jallen, my room is 5m x 5m, unfortunately, and the ceiling is 7m at it's highest point, angled downward 30° toward my listening position. most of the walls are hard surfaces. i'm doing my best to dampen with carpets etc. the speakers are 2m apart, one half meter from the back wall, and i sit about 3m from the speakers. i listen at moderate volume, sometimes louder, seldom at low volume.
I would go with the different speakers. It is not just a matter of efficiency or power. It is a matter of what sounds like "music". The ProAc's and Spender's sound more musical to me than Thiels, and I believe would mate with the Pass electronics quite well.

Better interconnects wouldn't hurt either...