Music vs. Components

Greetings everyone. Here's a biggie: When you sit down for a session with your hi-fi, what do you find that you are really listening to most 1) the music, or 2) your components? Where and what is that mysterious, illusive, fine line between 1) simply and wonderfully enjoying the music and.... 2) listening critically for either how "great" your system sounds (such as trying to justify upgrades, tweaks, tube rolling, wire changes, etc.) or listening for all of the flaws and weaknesses of your gear. When does the tweaking stop and the enjoyment begin? Conversely, when is it time to improve and upgrade because, in reality, you would be happier if your system sounded better?
I used to listen to my system when I first got into this hobby but I have grown out of it over time. Now I listen to music more. In fact, I haven't changed my system much in the past 5 years.
Both. I usually start out listening to the system then unconsciously begin listening to the music then fall asleep

"Both. I usually start out listening to the system then unconsciously begin listening to the music then fall asleep"

Smart reply, humorous and honest.
I agree with Sgunther. When I first listen, when ears are fresh and just hearing the first track, I find myself getting 'reacquainted' with my system, and therefore am hearing the components. But as time and listening continue, I slip into listening and enjoying the music.

Of course, there are often times when I'm amazed at some of the 'realness' I'm hearing, and I think of my system producing that sound. Or, when something like center imaging is a little skewed I think about my system, and what I could, or should, do to rectify something I find 'off'.