What did you own in the 60's?

Here is one for the more mature folks here.

My first component system was a XAM 20 watt receiver, a Garrard 40B turntable with a 1 cent Grado cartridge, & a pair of XAM speakers with single 8" "full range" speakers. It was the house brand of EJ Korvette, a discount department store on Long Island. I probably would have done better if I could have talked my dad into going to Lafayette, but it was a longer trip.

I replaced the Garrard with a $91 AR XA in 1969. It was obvious that turntables sounded different, even to a 16 year old! I don't recall reading that in Stereo Review!
a pilot intergrated w/ 7591 tubes ( I remember the number cause I bunt my fingers pretty bad taking a bad one out )
a garrard changer i think was a model a- something, and a pair of jensen 10" 3 ways .now about forty years later .god knows how many systems , houses and an x- wivfs, girlfriends , kids grand-kids ect > worked all the way up to my dream amp the fisher sa1000 . wish I had the cash back then ...but what a ride getting to this point .spending thousands on high end gear all through the 70's 80's and 90's ending up with a 300.00 amp from the 60's .god I love this addiction !!
a Hitachi cassette recorder and a little red portable 8 track player (Lear Jet?). No stereo until 1972.
"A transistor radio."

Oh, right. I had one of those to.

Phillies baseball and top 40 radio got lots of airtime of those.

I used to regularly open these these little portable gadgets up and hot wire them to larger external speakers as a step up.
I had a Sylvania or Magnavox (can't remember!!) fold out record changer that I inherited from my folks. I spliced in some no name speakers (in series!!) and had the obligatory penny on the tone arm tweak!!