hearing tests - where and how?

It appears that "audiologists" are really only in the business of selling hearing aids, which are not even remotely full-range. After deciding to get tested, I found that almost no one does full range hearing tests - they don't bother to test beynd 8khz. I suspect that many readers of this forum would not consider an 8khz upper limit an adequate test. Has anyone already researched this, or found a source for a REAL hearing test? A Houston recommendation would be ideal.
Have you asked your audiologist if they have the means to test to higher freqs?If not,find an ENT in your area that specializes in treating professional vocalists.They will have more thorough testing than a regular ENT/audiologist.There are two in my podunk town so I'm quite sure you can find one in a city the size of Houston.
A few years ago I had no problem getting a referral from my doctor for a visit to an ENT's office for a hearing test that went up to 20K.

Stay out of the phone book and ask your doctor instead.
Just have the Mrs. to henpeck you and see whether you still remember what she says the next day. Then you will know how good your hearing is...:-)