What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?

I thought about this yesterday as I was cutting the grass in a drizzel with doggy doo-doo everywhere. So, for me, it's yard work and picking up dog s..t.
I would rather mow, trim, blow and bag my yard than fill out a warranty card or some other form.
Selling my mint Totem 1s was tough, but I visit them regularly so its not so bad.
mounting a new air conditioner into my out dated bent old rusty apt sleeve..no matter how I mount it, angle it, slant it and shim it up ...it will leak akl over the damn place,..just good that we only have a few months of summer on the east coast...
Tabl10s.. Great thread.

Household related chores: folding laundry, yard work, handwashing dishes, emptying and putting away the pool, winterizing.

Audio related chores: speaker wire break in, amplifier break in, cleaning of the interior amps with fans that suck air into it (Hafler DH-500), dusting my gear.