What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?

I thought about this yesterday as I was cutting the grass in a drizzel with doggy doo-doo everywhere. So, for me, it's yard work and picking up dog s..t.
1) cleaning records.

2) troubleshooting a problem when things do not sound right
Gawd - I always get the vet to do it when he does their annual check/shots. My fears about performing this task are:
1. Disgusting.
2. He might like it.
3. I might like it.
So best I just sit that one out and let a pro lend a hand.
The only chore I really hated was back in my youth. My dad was too cheap to pay for a hookup to the sewer so every year, the 'chore' would alternate between my brother and myself. The chore consisted of digging a 3' square hole about 4 feet deep whenever the lemon tree produced some really big, beautiful lemons. That was the signal that the septic tank was overfilling. The only upside were the neighbors who liked lemons. Maybe that's why I don't care for them.
Trying to dig a 3ft. deep hole in a yard FULL of rocks on a friggin hot day. And then another...and another... and

Another good reason to go to sea