Hey thanks for all the replies!
Room conditioning is of course a great idea, except that I am likely to be in that room for only a year and a half or so. Plus I kind of favor low budget room conditioning. I don't regard room conditioning as a tweak -- the room is a hugely important component. But I don't want to invest big $ in it 'cause its temporary. Similar remarks go for upgrading the electrical sockets, etc.
I have thought of dac for the Planet. The question for me is whether vinyl is so superior to digital that a dac won't make sufficient difference to get me listening to more CDs what with all the vinyl I have. Of course, a tube buffer or tube tube preamp with or without phono (I could run the C-200's phono stage through the tape out into the line stage of a tube pre) might be a nice change/improvement for all sources.
The headphone sections in the Accuphase pre and power amps are already quite good, plus I have a Meier Corda MkII that I like pretty well.
I already have other cartridges to swap out -- an excellent good older Grado and a Sonus blue gold, and a plain vanilla DL103.
Slowhead -- all the gear is up top spec, I am sure. There I have spent money.
An antenna is a great idea, Onhwy61. That can be moved, and I do love my local community radio station (WMNF Tampa). I'll see how the reception is in the new place.
Well, I still need to think about it. But keeps those suggestions coming, folks!
Room conditioning is of course a great idea, except that I am likely to be in that room for only a year and a half or so. Plus I kind of favor low budget room conditioning. I don't regard room conditioning as a tweak -- the room is a hugely important component. But I don't want to invest big $ in it 'cause its temporary. Similar remarks go for upgrading the electrical sockets, etc.
I have thought of dac for the Planet. The question for me is whether vinyl is so superior to digital that a dac won't make sufficient difference to get me listening to more CDs what with all the vinyl I have. Of course, a tube buffer or tube tube preamp with or without phono (I could run the C-200's phono stage through the tape out into the line stage of a tube pre) might be a nice change/improvement for all sources.
The headphone sections in the Accuphase pre and power amps are already quite good, plus I have a Meier Corda MkII that I like pretty well.
I already have other cartridges to swap out -- an excellent good older Grado and a Sonus blue gold, and a plain vanilla DL103.
Slowhead -- all the gear is up top spec, I am sure. There I have spent money.
An antenna is a great idea, Onhwy61. That can be moved, and I do love my local community radio station (WMNF Tampa). I'll see how the reception is in the new place.
Well, I still need to think about it. But keeps those suggestions coming, folks!