Anybody find themselves revisiting old threads?

Not that long ago some threads made me look back at some of what I'd said so many years ago. I wound up going off on a tangent & reading other threads, some which I'd never seen; others I'd passed over.

I wasn't searching for anything in particular. Waxing nostalgic perhaps?
A related question: Ever been embarrassed by what you discovered you wrote earlier in a long-ago thread?

I'm sure you know why I ask :-)
Absolutely1 I find many interesting and well informed topics that have educated me and expanded my knowledge base. It`s also cause me to appreciate and seek out certain member`s posts for their consistent high quality contributions.
Many are deleted or unavailable. This site goes in circles. Balanced, XLR, RCA, passive, active, damping factor etc just repeat endlessly in repeated threads.
Visiting is one thing. Answering/posting to an old thread is another that wastes peoples time when thry look at the date. Imagine if someone added to a Bob Crump post?