Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Experience is the best teacher. There is no room left for actual experience in this thread. It is now the typical measurements circle jerk that has as much to do with musical enjoyment as jacking off has to do with sex. Enjoy.
"Why isn't this debate about science" - Metro4

Simple, because it is not science that is at play. It is science in the service of music. Music is art. Art is human expression. If you think that the sophistication of electronic science matches the complexity of musical sounds (art), you don't understand art.

"The onus of proof ALWAYS falls on the person making the claim, not the other way around" -Metro4

Really? In my universe (and that of many here) it is you (and others here) that are making the claim; the claim that there is no difference. YOU prove it; if proof must be provided. Prove that there is no difference. Why does it bother you that some of us trust our ears? Why does it bother you that some of us perhaps have more sensitive hearing (by way of nature or training) in certain specific ways than others do? Why do you think that we have learned all that there is to know about the science of sound as it relates to sound and it's reproduction?

I certainly share your view, but these guys aren't listening to anyone but themselves and likely never will. Notice that one of them even has the audacity to talk about his subjective preference in cables! Of course, cables are different! Sheesh. Talk about calling the kettle black. Their motto is, "My measurements are better than your measurements." Or maybe it's "You have to prove your opinions are valid, but my B.S. is the gospel." No one asked for proof of anything here, but they will smother every voice that wants to simply talk about what they hear. FEAR THE EARS!!!!

This is the same kind of silliness that's going on over at the "What's the Best Speaker in the World..Objectively" thread. Wanker central.
There was once chef who asked other chefs whether they'd ever tried a very expensive brand of sea salt in a special recipe. One chef said, "It's amazing. You should try it." Another chef said, "I tried it and it's better but not really worth the extra money." Another chef replied, "It tastes the same as regular salt to me."

Finally, a very angry group of chefs demanded that people should stop endorsing this expensive salt because everyone knows that all salt is the same, "Laboratories have proven there's no difference," they cried. Some even claimed fraud was being committed. When asked if they'd ever tried the salt, they replied, "Of course not! They'd take away our cooking licenses if we were to do something so absurd!" One even said, "I wouldn't put arsenic in my food. Why would I put expensive salt in it?" Another angry chef said, "You can't rely on your own taste buds. They lie." After a pause, one of the complaining chef's changed the subject and began talking about the many different types of water he served in his restaurant.

I don't know about you, but I prefer to eat where the chefs rely on their senses and eat their own food. I use the same rationale when considering advice.