Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
I remember reading this article a long time ago and it still makes me smile.
The first reason: I bought it whole hog. Every word.
The second reason: He wasn't always right.

There is another thread somewhere, here, that addressed the issue of a switch box and it was pointed out the variances it introduces making it unreliable for 'proper' A/B switching. It can't be done reliably. Whether the poster was correct or not, I can't say, but Aczel doesn't necessarily have the last word on this as I don't remember what he wrote being on a stone tablet.

I'l stick to my own, lying eyes (ears) every time.

Think it is time for me to quit on this thread whatever else I would have said is already in the article:) (although if anybody posts info that would allow me to trace down fuse manufacturer info that is still of interest).

Happy listening!
I couldn't find info, other than reviews that state that HIFi Tuning Fuses are made in Germany. I did find this but it is way over my head:

Hope it helps some.
God bless you, nonoise! I lived in Germany for several years and I can tell you that neither the EU nor the very controlling and quality-contro crazy German government would allow HiFi Tuning to sell, let alone export something used in electronics that was either dangerous or not what it was claimed to be. The document you have provided is evidence of this. Of course, there's no way to prove to skeptics that this document was not produced by a mad scientist employed by a religious cult. ;-)
Well forty bucks isn't outrageous money to spend even if your gear isn't expensive.
The DecWare amp sells for about one thousand dollars, brand new and it's one of the best amps I've ever owned.
All 2 watts of this amp drives my Ref 3A Grand Veenas to very pleasurable levels in my smaller room.

It's the tone that matters to me, not the volume, or amount of bass impact,yet I notice no lack of bass with the Decware doing the amplification.

So,I wouldn't limit the use of a HiFi fuse to only high end gear.

Remember what Aczel said(before his myth busting days)that fuses degrade your sound.
I have years of experience with all manner and stripe of amplifiers to back this up.

Interesting what Mr.Aczel's take would be on a fuse that costs 40 bucks, but I'll wager it would be in the denier category.
Kind of ironic isn't it, but still keeping with his 180 degree turn in this hobby, and I'll wager he can pretty much lay claim to being the father of the whole denier cult so fashionable today.
And so sad.

To me if you are of the belief that everything is bunk and hype, then this must be a very uninteresting and boring hobby, unless your thrills are debunking things. If you feel there is nothing to be discovered, that nothing can improve upon stock or vintage, then to me ,what's the point of investing any money in anything in the hobby.
That's stagnation to me, and not any fun.

Also, remember that Mr.Aczel originally felt that things could be improved from stock.
Fuses were one thing that he felt had a sonic signature.

So why is it so hard to grasp the concept of one fuse being better than another?

Again we are talking 40 bucks, if the cost is the only reason to shy away from it, then again to me, this isn't the type of hobby for you to be in.

I personally don't think the cost of an upgraded fuse like the HiFi tuning supremmes that I now use is a ripp off.

If I did I would still be using my solid copper fuse replacements and be done with it, sans the protection that a fuse brings.
To me the peace of mind of knowing I also get protection besides better sound is the real plus.

I should add that yes the HiFi Supreme fuse did improve the already great sound of my Decware amp, as did the IsoCleans when they were used in AtmaSphere,Classe,and Cary amplifiers.

You can spend a lot more money and not get any results as pleasing as you do with a decent upgraded fuse.

It's safe, simple to install,improves the sound, and the amplifier is easily returned to stock condition, which is a real plus if you are into the vintage thing.There is no audio butchery involved and anyone can do it, no engineer's degree is needed.

To my ears the upgraded audio fuse from reputable manufacturers such as HiFi tuning,should be the very first thing an audiophile buys when he starts on the road to getting all the music from his system.

After this is done, most everything else will fall into place, and you'll notice how simple things that you once took for granted or paid no attention to, really do matter, and matter a lot more when you address them from the electrical panel to the panel speaker, or cone, your choice.

Speaking of panels, Magnepan speakers are prime candidates for upgraded fuses, and I know several owners who bypass the fuse altogether and get better sound.

Getting back to Peter Aczel,he is one piece of audio that I really do enjoy more in his old "vintage" personna.