Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Vhiner: As always, within your last two postings in particular, continue to perpetuate your simplistic reductionist interpretation of the entire factual picture.

10-08-11: Vhiner
"...you might actually discover that not all matters can be answered by measurements or double-blind tests (which have long been abandoned by audio designers as useless).

>>> Factual or not, equivalent/applicable testing methods are universally utilized throughout the WORLD's various scientific/engineering fields. You know, real-world meat and potato contributions to what you've become accustomed to in modern life. Not some niche, sales-driven, motivated market pandering to self-absorbed egotists. HiFi might be YOUR limited frontier of electronics, but I'm here to tell you there's a whole world out there that dwarfs this hobbies’ exploitation of early engineering achievements before "HiFi" was even trending.

10-08-11: Vhiner
"For others, I would, indeed, recommend you read Mr. Aczel's diatribe. It puts him squarely in the conspiracy theory camp occupied by people who have NOTHING to do with invention, innovation or the furthering of this great hobby."

>>> This "great hobby", as you refer to, has grown to perpetuate equipment $$$ales by whatever means necessary, including praying on human insecurities, doubt, and ego - just like all product sales! Your industry-supported magazine “reviewer gods” merely exists to perpetuate sales of their employer's magazines and sustain advertising revenue. And just what exactly are THEY directly contributing to "invention and innovation"?

10-08-11: Vhiner
"I lived in Germany for several years and I can tell you that neither the EU nor the very controlling and quality-contro crazy German government would allow HiFi Tuning to sell, let alone export something used in electronics that was either dangerous or not what it was claimed to be."

>>> Meeting safety regulations is one thing, and as long as they perform to said standards, meet regulatory obligation. Any "alluded" performance gain claims are most certainly marketable, even in Germany, as with any boutique power cables made in the EU, though probably mandate CE certification, unlike...

"The document you have provided is evidence of this. Of course, there's no way to prove to skeptics that this document was not produced by a mad scientist employed by a religious cult. ;-)"

>>> Oh brother! If I had a nickel for every audio/non-audio manufacturer-generated embellished/bloated
"marketing comparison", which illuminated their product tiering over a "specific" or selected few competitors, I could better support my Starbucks' chemical dependency. They, like most audio reviews, should be considered with an open mind. I'm not saying the Tuning Fuse data is false or embellished, but I, like most engineering fundamentalist, would have a warmer fuzzy with independent testing having no motivational biasing - just like other testing agencies for all types of industry.
Congratulations, Metro04. After attempting unsuccessfully to assassinate a hard-working, reputable inventor's credibility, you now spit on the evidence you perpetually demand. You really are the exceptional intellect you portray yourself to be. Would it be too strenuous for you (before it's time for another nap) to go into depth about how the measurements provided here are so clearly bogus? I can hardly wait to be dazzled by your technical rebuttal to the measurements posted here on this thread. You are, after all, fully qualified to judge the results, are you not? It'd be nice to hear about those qualifications as well since you're the only one here claiming to be "technically" qualified. You are questioning the folks at HiFi Tuning. Wouldn't it be good idea to establish for everyone here what your extensive credentials are? Just to set the record straight, if it's not too much to bother.
All of my previous accusations stand corrected, regarding Vhiner's blatant twisted misinterpretations of my, and others, posted comments. It's become obvious, at this juncture, that it's his inept reading skills that are at fault. I defer you to the contents of my previous posting's last paragraph to contradict yet another of Vhiner's full cranial jelletization episodes. I trust that a second attempt to re-read its content will expose his repeating deficiencies. And, without a doubt, believes everything he reads as gospel regarding audio.

Again, if you can't keep up, take notes!
Metro04, funny you should bring up Starbucks. Just this morning my wife wife was telling me how she had gone into Starbucks a couple of days ago to buy her bean and favorite banana-nut muffin. The young man behind the counter absolutely refused to sell her the muffin because they had lost the card showing the muffin's calorie count. I don't known if you known this, but in NYC vendors such as Starbucks are now required by law to display the calorie count of their food offerings. How sad and pathetic that it has come to this.

If you don't understand the connection (mine, anyway) to the subject being discussed in this thread, then there really is no hope for you and Vhiner to understand each other. IMO, if you were to try and understand, I think you just might find that is more to the enjoyment of music than you may have thought was possible. In the meantime, the bickering is getting really old

Oh, I *do* stand corrected; you are not a mere genius. You are a passive-aggressive genius without the balls to back up your bluster. You think that by writing the words "I'm not saying HiFi Tuning's data is false or embellished" that this gives you cover for the implication in the same post that it's merely a marketing ploy. Only someone who thinks he's a genuine genius would think he could hide behind that thin piece of gauze. In addition to being passive aggressive, your position in this thread is also cowardly. You won't post your credentials, you won't listen to the product in question and you're too lazy to perform a measurement experiment to back up your.....beliefs? I thought you said beliefs weren't admissible here.

You may be a genius Metro04, but, as my grandpa once remarked about a similar fellow, "You're all hat and no cattle." Put up or shut up.