Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Awwwe, Lacee, and you were so entertaining right up until the last third of your posting. :(

"Ah, but "the ears can't be trusted!" or some such drivel I am sure will spring forth from the deniers, and then they'll try to disprove what you have just heard with YOUR own ears(not theirs)."

>>> Really, "drivel" and “nonsensical rhetoric”? Apparently, only the self-proclaimed golden-eared audiophile eludes what is WELL KNOWN and DOCUMENTED in the medical world! Yet if tested by ANY means, yields no better results than a guessing percentage. Maybe you can provide a single documented event where ANY participant correctly picked the better “anything” 80% of the time? None I've ever read, though folks here say the testing process is at fault, or has been rendered useless, yet similar or applicable tests are routinely performed world-wide throughout the medical, science, and engineering fields. I’m sure they’re all wrong in comparison to this niche audio hobby. :-)

The non-believers remind me of small kids. When my son was 4 years, he simply refused to eat broccoli. His friends did not eat broccoli and it influenced him. I suggested him to try a piece. He refused for several months. Then one fine day he decided to give it a shot. I will not say that broccoli is his favorite veggie, but he does not find it "yucky" and enjoys the stir-fried chicken-brocolli dish his mom makes.
I say guys, why not try and then decide? Why do you make opinions of stuff that you have not tried? I understand that there is 30-days trial period or something like that. But please let us know about your experience "after" you try them. Good luck!!

Your lack of seriousness makes you a far more worthy opponent than I have been on this forum. I took the bait and that's my bad. I, do, however, find it hard to resist defending good products made by good people. Questioning the veracity of a product is fair; ridiculing the people who make the product and those who use it is nasty. It's interesting to see that people who ridicule others and question other people's honesty don't want to be on the receiving end of the same treatment. Maybe there's a lesson there. I'm sure there's a far better way to make the point, but someone else will have to figure it out. With regard to the OP's question. I agree that it has been "asked and answered." The joy these fuses continue to bring me is one thing I wish for everyone....even Metro04.
10-10-11: Metro04
"Maybe you can provide a single documented event where ANY participant correctly picked the better “anything” 80% of the time?"

Can you provide a single documented event where the participants could not correctly pick the HI Fuse? Probably not.
You don't know they make no difference any more than the guy who sits and listens and trusts his ears and says they do.
IOW - You are both just guessing. But you are as sure as he is in what you believe, and you poke fun like you know something he doesn't.