Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
Nobody sways or converts?

That's not correct.

Anyone who switched out a cheap stock fuse for an upgraded one will never switch back to the way it was.So they've been converted.

There's no going back for us,whereas some folks aren't wiling to go forward.

No matter if the upgraded fuse was only ten cents, I am certain the naysayers wouldn't buy one.

Simple things like replacing a fuse,don't require that you need and electrical engineering degree.

Perhaps that's part of it.

It's too simple!
Gbmcleod -
I somehow just happened upon your post of 12-30-11. Your experience is almost word for word what mine has been going from the stock fuse to a HiFi Tuning Supreme fuse with my Simaudio 600i amp., solid state no less. The change was immediately noted for the better. After the first few hours or so it was obvious that the UF had expanded, and with more detail. Overall, there was a greater sense of ease to the music. It was smoother (less grain), yet more detailed.
I have used Furutech fuses in the past. With the digital players (some midfi, some pretty resolving) I have had, I found them to always improve the UF, provide better detail and smooth the music out. I just replaced the 2 fuses in the Sony 5400es I have with 2 Furutechs and the changes were as mentioned above. I have not tried other brands.
In spite of the four pages of controversy, a consensus does emerge over time. Because of posts from folks like Glenn and Lacee, people are having more fun and enjoying more music. Pretty cool when a measly $50 fuse can make so many people happy.
I recently tried an Acme fuse in my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp and heard in immediate improvement. I wouldn't say it was a significant improvement, but not a subtle one either. At first I heard more high end extension. The next day I heard an extension in the bass and on the third day the fuse settled in. Now I hear more clarity over the whole sound spectrum.

For $17.50 shipped, it is a no brainer. I ordered another Acme fuse for my Placette active preamp. Should arrive soon.