What was your first tweak?

My first tweak( of the audiophile age)was applying green marker to the edge of my CDs, follwed soon after by the rubber discs that fit on the top outer edge of a CD.
Way back when (around 1990) I sent my Philips CD-80 to Stan Warren and had him mod it for me.
It worked. The sound was more open, detailed and dynamic.
My first tweak was adding sensory deprivation when I put my stereo in my closet, sat inside in the dark with the door closed and my headphones on listening to CSN's Suite: Judy Blue Eyes. I listened to every single note on those guitars, individual voices in harmony. I was fourteen years old and I thought that Garrard turntable and TEAC cassette deck were the coolest.
Cardas speaker placement then rubber/spiked feet, green marker, tube rings, power cords, Porter Ports, Tone arm rewire in that order.