Big changes ... down the road

My current CD player will be my last. When it fails, I'll move to streaming (plus a cheap transport) and an external DAC.

If I decide to change my current speakers, it will be to go active.

Anyone else planning big changes ... sometime down the road?
Not me... The "Cloud" scares the crap outta me. I guess I don't understand it and prefer tactile media. Call it nostalgia, but I like having physical copies of photos and music instead of a sketchy hard-drive full of jpegs or .aiff or whatever. I do like Elizabeths' pragmatic view, but I suspect for a while anyway there will be someone who wants these things- call it hoarding or an archival mentality, I think it's in the DNA. A hard drive full of music files, to me is the equivalent of going to a church and expecting to find God. I know the music is in there but I kind of like being reminded that it's there by catching a glimpse of album cover art when I'm not looking for it. And I can think "Oh yeah, the Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky is cool!" - even if I don't listen to it right then, I benefit from the remembrance of emotion that a prior listening left- and that can be a great feeling-perhaps the aural equivalent to olfactory triggers- the memory conjured by smelling flowers, or apple pie...
My current CD player will be my last. When it fails, I'll move to streaming (plus a cheap transport) and an external DAC.
when my CDP/transport fails I'll be buying another CDP/transport from the same manuf. No streaming for me. I've heard many systems that stream & I'm convinced that all these systems output good sound but do not play music. Of course, YMMV.

If I decide to change my current speakers, it will be to go active.
If my plan to change my speakers, it will another planar pair - passive of course.

Anyone else planning big changes ... sometime down the road?
no, not planning any changes down the road but situations out of my control might force my hand (I really hope not!).....
My 'big' change was going back to my CDP after experimenting with some old ICs I had (lots of spare time thanks to a layoff). It simply blew away the computer rig I was tinkering with. It's on another thread in the digital section.

Sometimes that 'big' change is in your pile of discarded stuff and mind.

All the best,