What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?

I've been thinking about this for a while....like 10+ years. Would be interested in what others have to say.
My latest answer would have to be "nothing". I want to hear the music and not the stereo. Like "Come over and listen to some music" versus "Come over and listen to my new stereo". If there are errors, they would be errors of omission, not commission because I assume they are less noticeable.
I will simply reframe the question. What is an EXPENSIVE stereo SUPPOSED to sound like.

Again he didn't ask what a perfect stereo should sound like?
And in my view either expensive or just really good it better make some sounds. Not nothing for sure.
Maybe an expensive stereo is supposed to sound like your monies loss is your ears gain.

There is no answer save the one that makes you happy carping about it. Cost relative to enjoyment is always thought of by those of us who can't afford an expensive system while those who can afford it probably don't give a tinker's fart about it.

They just went out and bought what they think they should have at the same kind of emporium that sells them their kind of car, glasses, spirits, cigars, clothing, watches, etc.

They don't shop in the same places that average people do and I bet their systems, on average, probably don't sound much better (if at all) then one of our well sorted out ones.

All the best,
Well, if its expensive, it should also sound pretty darn good.

Aren't expensive things supposed to be better?
Someone forwarded this link to me, after I posted my comments. Sorry if it's a duplicate ...
