What happened to Welborne Labs?

Back in June, I ordered over $100 worth of quality hook up wire, and still haven't received it yet. I've just learned there are many more just like me.

Has anyone had any luck getting a resolution? They don't return my emails, and PayPal says my situation doesn't qualify for a claim, at this point. Any words of encouragement, other than the obvious don't do any more business with them?
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Islandmandan, have you phone PayPal and spoke to a representative in person?
I bought the same power supply for my SB Touch during a sale Welboune Labs had in late May. It took a long time and a number of emails before it was built (waiting on parts?) and shipped, but I did receive it. I was a little frustrated with the delays and mediocre communication, but the final product performs as well as I had hoped.