Audio fuses

I hav tried all these fuses Hifituning supreme, then the synergistic type
The synergistic is not better in every circumstances ,they were warmer but when other brand fuses were in the system in some cases the synergistic
Fuses made it worse myself and two friends tried them on different equipment with the same results,Sometimes it was better
Not everything is ut in stone.
Gbmcleod - Would my FMJ 23 benefit from a SR fuse? Have never had the cover off; can I easily access the fuse? Do you happen to know what size fuse it takes?
Do you guys think fuses is something similar like talking about cables? I've heard some people talking about the hifituning fuses improvements on certain gear, i assume the changes are minimal.
With fuses , for instance in digital you want the most neutral to send the signal downstream.i use Hifi tuning Supreme, on my Krell S55I amp
The Synergistic fuses are a bit better,fuses are cumulative,better low level detail,quieter,better separation in small steps but add up per component .
There are many doubters,who have an opinion and never gave them an ample try,you need roughly75-100 hours for full breakin ,and
Look at the metals resistance index Silver,Copper,Have roughly 7x less
Resistance then the cheap stock steel fuses,a huge bottle neck when you think About it , Times how many fuses you have !!
I recall talking to someone at The Cable Co, and he told me that the HiFi Tuning fuses were better built than the SR fuses but the SR fuses had that "tunneling effect" process (Tesla), or, something like that.

I just went for the HiFi Sliver fuses since they were the cheapest at the time and they bettered the stock fuses I had. I think that anything more costly amounts to quibbling in most, but not all cases as there are folk here who I trust who say that SR fuses work better in their systems.

As always, YMMV.

All the best,
According to Laura Dearborn's book on audio,just cleaning the fuse and fuse holder can make a noticeable difference. Simply taking a fuse out can rub off deposits. Next time your thinking about changing fuses clean contacts and report your findings.