"But, as is typical of many 6Moons.com reviews, where twists and turns and tangents abound,"
Ain't it the truth!
6moons is kinda like a lot of journalism these days, part entertainment, part factual/news.
As such it can be entertaining enough if you want to spend time wandering aimlessly along with random thoughts talking about audio stuff as is the case with many reviews there.
The opposite of "just stick to the relevant facts and get to the point".
I have read some nicely done reviews on 6moons, but recently a lot of it comes across I hate to say as mere diarrhea of the mouth towards the topic at hand. I seldom am interested enough to make it through an entire meandering "review".
Some writing lessons would be in order for many but not all of the reviewers there.
So I like the fact that it exists as a form of nerdy audiophile entertainment, but its kinda the audio equivalent of reality TV to me, sometimes entertaining, but often drawn out and a waste of time in the end. I do like that they do tend to try to think and look out of the box quite often compared to other sources, but that is often not enough for me to add any value.
I have not read enough Stereo Times to form an opinion there yet but I'll go out on a limb and say the quality control there at least might be better.
BTW the late John Potis did reviews for several sources in his day and was an excellent reviewer and writer IMHO. [url=http://6moons.com/audioreviews/walsh/micro.html]Here[/url] is one of his offerings on 6moons a few years back that hit the mark. If you want to cut to the chase with 6moons, their yearly Blue Moon Awards generally have some merit I would say.