How to pick your first SET tube amp?

I am curious about hearing one of these little amps on some new monitors I got, the Coincident Triumph Signatures. Coincident makes a beautiful pair of SET mono's, but at $3500 they're a little steep for experimenting with. Any recommendations for a good, entry-level pair of SET monos that would give me a taste of what all the fuss is about? I would like to stay at or preferably under $1500. What is the difference between the sound of the EL-34 based SET's and the 300B and other types?
Clueless has suggested some good advise that I agree with. With your new speakers you need more wattage like a 300B can provide. Check out other sites for information.
Don't hesitate to try Coincident's amps. I have purchased 4 tube amps custom built/modded to the max by Israel, and he knows what he is doing (a pair of Golden Tube Audio 8 watt 300B monoblocks, and a pair of vintage Altec 1570B monoblocks- 170 wpc in triode using only a pair of 811 output tubes per amp). Anything he produces is excelllent, or he doesn't bother doing it...
The speakers are not made by Isreal.They are made to his specs.One thing is certin.They are a good amp or he would not sell it.
His main Bizz is speakers he wont risk it at the expense of selling sub standard amps.
You may want to try giving Coincident a phone call. I called, Israel Blume answered the telephone, and even though I purchased my Super Eclipses used, he was happy to answer all my questions. He used to recommend a relatively inexpensive Antique Sound Labs amp on his web site before his own amps became available. I don't remenber which one.
Sc: If your room is not too large 300B based amps should work well. Lots of different flavors of these amps, though, and they do not have to be soft/slow and rolled off @ the frequency extremes if you pick wisely. A pair of mono block "kits" getting some praise as of late are the "Billies" available @ (think that they are around $1K delivered). If you can solder the kit looks to be easy to build. There is more info on them in the SET Forum @ AA. I have always been happy with current production Svetlana 300B tubes which seem to be readily available for well under $250/pr and would not spend the money for new production WE's (based on the pair that I tried) - the Svet's smoked them. Depending on the circuit they can also last quite some time (very long indeed in the Audion 300B amp which I just sold). If you decide to make the leap try to stay with a "real" single ended "triode" amp (it's worth the extra $, IMO).