How to pick your first SET tube amp?

I am curious about hearing one of these little amps on some new monitors I got, the Coincident Triumph Signatures. Coincident makes a beautiful pair of SET mono's, but at $3500 they're a little steep for experimenting with. Any recommendations for a good, entry-level pair of SET monos that would give me a taste of what all the fuss is about? I would like to stay at or preferably under $1500. What is the difference between the sound of the EL-34 based SET's and the 300B and other types?
If I were you , I would try a 300B amp. They just have a glorious sound to them. I would also recommend the Full Music TJ 300B mesh plate tube.For the money, a pair of these beat all contenders in my opinion. Good luck in your search but go for the 300B, you won't be dissapointed.Musicians come alive in your room. They'll have you weeping with joy.
God Bless,
Hi, just following up on what I decided to try after studying all your posts. I am auditioning the Terra Star, a small, relatively inexpensive (around $900) EL-34 based 12-watt SET integrated. I investigated the Decware Zens as well, but was informed by the maker and the owners on the Decware forum that the Zen alone would not drive my Coincident Triumph Signatures sufficiently. They suggested the Decware integrated, which is also an EL-34 based SET w/4 inputs (the little Terra only has 1), but it was about $1500 so I'm going w/the Terra for now. I sure wish I could build one of those kits. But I know I would screw it up and never know if it was playing properly when I was done (if it turned on at all)! So far, I like the Terra very much. Plenty of volume on the Coincidents. It can also run on KT-88s for more headroom. I am so intrigued by these little bottle amps, I may have to try some others, esp. the 300B. But thanks for all the info and advice, my explorations have only just begun.
Sc53: Since you are going this route, you might want to look into the Audion Sterling. It lists for $1100-$1200, but the US distributor (OSS Services) may have a demo or two @ a reduced price (I know that he was just @ the Las Vegas show anyway). It is also EL34, etc., based, but uses a single 6922 type tube for the input and a single 5687 for the driver tube. Why I suggest this amp is that quality 6922 tubes are still plentiful and different driver tubes effect the sound quite a bit. You will also only require single signal tubes (matched per side) instead of matched pairs. Good 6SN7's/VT-231's (which I believe the Terra uses) are getting harder to come by. There is a review of the Sterling @ the TNT website. Just a thought as I almost purchased this amp myself @ one time. If you do happen to come up with a demo, email me and I will set you up with better (than stock) signal tubes which are usually Sovtek and National.