Best speaker for medium to low power tube amps??

I need advice on speaker selection..they will go in a 19' x 13' x 8' budget is roughly 5k, open to new or amps roughly 20-70 watts must be the ideal match for these..narrowed my choices to the Merlin VSM-M, Sonus Faber Guerneri, Quad 989 and am open to other suggestions..I'm currently leaning to the Merlin but my only reservation is they are so revealing I will be changing components upstream continually and never finding sonic happiness..thnaks in advance for your responses.
Coincident work well.If you like the Merlins the Super Eclipse will be a nice choice also.
the guarneris are lovely...warm,open,transparent and non-fatiguing sound with excellent midrange. they won't give you deep bass though. they sound great with tubes amps like ARC,Graaf etc. they are not that difficult to drive ...about 87db although with more powerful amps you will get the sense of ease with the way the sound is produced.