Is there any such thing as a high end receiver?

I am putting together a system for a friend who knows nothing about electronics, has no technical skill, but is a professional acoustic musician and likes sound that is smooth and sweet above all else. I intend to find her some LS3/5a's and maybe a tube cd player and I don't want to burden her with amps, preamps, tuners, interconnects and the whole rigamerole. Therefore, my question: Anyone know of a receiver (under, say, $750 used) that sounds sweet a la e.g. a Grado cartridge or LS3/5a's? Do all receivers sound like Sony's?
If you are willing to buy an integrated amp rather than a receiver (you'd only be missing the tuner), then you could probably get a good used unit for around $1,000. Among the integrateds you should consider are:
1. the Creek 5350SE (MSRP $1500);
2. the Bryston B-60 (MSRP $1600);
3. the Arcam Alpha 10 (MSRP $1600);
4. the Audio Analogue Puccini SE (MSRP $995);
5. the Musical Fidelity A300 (MSRP $1500);
6. the Rega Mira (MSRP $950).

If you want a true receiver, and are interested in helping your friend begin to build a 5.1 channel surround system at some point, then you might also consider the Outlaw Audio receiver (MSRP $1100). This unit is sold direct over the Internet, and offers exceptional value for the money. For more info, go to Outlaw's Web site:

Hope this gives you some initial ideas.
Like Sdcampbell, I would also suggest an integrated amp, unless your friend really wants a tuner. Since you appear to be tube oriented you might consider the Rogue Tempest. Great value but it's a bit large and might not appeal to your friend esthetically. Audio Aero makes a more compact, interesting hybrid unit that I'm actually trying to audition as an alternative myself.

AA also makes a little brother to its famous Capitole tube cdp called the Prima. I use and like it very much.

The LS3/5as are a classic, but tough to find and generally priced in the $900+ region. I have 2 pairs of the old 15-ohm versions, and while they are not always in use I'll never part with them. The modern incarnation is the Spendor S3/5 which sell in the same range new, depending on finish, and a few hundred less used on this site. Some say they actually beat the LS3/5a, and I'll admit to being one of them. A bit more extended highs (not bright) and don't have the (in)famous lower mid hump.

I use the S3/5s with the Prima and Tempest Magnum in my study and just love the sound. Just musical - great for vocals, jazz, and classical, although for real bass extension one should realistically add a sub. Spendor makes one which, not surprisingly, mates very well. I tried it and found I really didn't need it in my 12'x16' room.

If you live anywhere near Southampton, NY drop by with your friend for a listen!

Good luck.
Haven't heard Sony ES, but between:

Denon I think sounds the best. Not always the most "watts" but if you look at the specs they tend to have higher current. Most of the others don't even mention current.

There's a catch: Denons are not very reliable.

Magnum Research, the maker or some of the best tuners you can buy offers a reciever now. I think the model is the 208(?) and it features an excellent Sim Audio amplifier section. High end it is.