Best Sounding used amplifier under 1000???

Looking to get into a used 2 or 3 channel power amplifier to power my Paradigm Studio Reference 80 ver. 1 speakers. Looking at around 200-250 watts per channel or such. I am currently using a Xtant 3300c (60x2, 360x1) high end car amplifier and it sounds so wonderfull but looking to get into more power and with possibly better overall sound (how much more better will it be I dont know?). I'm using Monster Cable M Series CX-4 Bi-wire cable for the speakers. My limit is $1000 used for the amplifier. Please post any comments and suggestions retaining to this idea.

a rogue audio 88 amp can be had for around $850 used, and can be upgraded to magnum status afterwards for about $650, so down the road you can take your amp to a new level with upgraded caps, valves, etc (and the differences are not subtle imo). also, mark o'brien at rogue provides excellent customer support. i currently drive paradigm monitor 7 floorstanders with an 88 and am very pleased. the mon 7's will be rotated out this weekend for spendor s100's. your studio 80's should mate well with the tubed rogue. at 70watts ultralinear and 35watts in triode, this does not measure up to the 200-250 watts per channel, but why insist on 200-250 watts per channel? are you not interested in tubed amps for sure? if you have any interest about tubes, the rogue deserves a listen, i think it will be more than sufficient to drive your speakers. you owe it to yourself to listen to as many amps now while you are in the market to purchase one, if onnly to know a little more about what is out there. and you get you feet wet with valve amplification at the same time.
just my 2 cents fwiw
Conrad Johnson MF-2100 now on Agon @$750. It is 100wpc. The MF-2200 is 200wpc and should go for about $1000 used. Check out the reviews at You can't go wrong with CJ
McCormack all the way. Not a fan of Bryston at all. The rogue is nice but I would try to find a used Magnum version as that will be much more cost effective than upgrading later, the Magnum upgades a fabulous.
why do you need such a high watt amp? the 80's are 92dB
I get lots of volume from my 30wpc pass will not find a better amp in your price range or even if you spend much more.
I second the Rogue 88 amp. Upgrade the 12AX7's to Mullard CV4004's and you're on your way! Yes the Magnum upgrade is worth it IMO. Start with the normal version and swap out the tubes I mentioned and you'll be most of the way there.
With this amp you will be hearing the music.