Bwhite, thanks for the kind words.
The main reasons why I do and will continue to suggest the Odyssey Stratos include:
1. Upon research(without hearing them), I came this close ---> <--- to buying the monoblock pair last Spring and even placed the order with Odyssey and then cancelled.
2. International Audio Review reviewed this amp and about 20 others and rated this amp in second place. Over ML 33H and Krell FPB 300 and a slew of others. TAS and others have also had rave reviews. Not that I put tremendous stock in reviews.
3. Stratos owners claim the same wonderful things about these amps. Therefore, possibly substantiating some to many of the reviewers claims. Not one negative comment about these amps have I found yet. I know two people who own them and they too have said excellent things about the Stratos.
4. According to the reviews and owner comments they are powerful and fast.
5. They are only $995 each. And most people who ask for amp opinions are on a tight budget. Based on what I think I know, I'd recommend these for most anybody's budget.
6. They come with a 20 year mfg'ers warranty.
7. They come with a 30 day money back satisfaction guaranteed.
8. In my biased research and from what little I've discovered about the Stratos, there appears to be few amps that can match the sonic performance of the Stratos or the 20 year warranty at any price. Some reviewers have made this same claim.
9. They look good. (I have seen pictures).
10. They can only be purchased online or calling Odyssey directly. Therefore, it would be hard to hear them in person.
11. America has become an opinion-based society and this is an opinion based (open) forum. Therefore, I believe I am as entitled to be as wrong as many of you.
I've also never driven a Porsche 911 but from all that I've heard and read, I could whole-heartedly recommend one if somebody had $200k budget and asked my opinion on which sports car I'd purchase.
I've also never ran smack-dab into an 18 wheeler, but I could whole-heartedly recommend that some of you not do so and nobody would find fault with my opinion.
And the risk of purchasing the Stratos is small. If, per chance, one did not like the Stratos for some reason, it's not like they sold the farm to buy it. Any risk should be minimal. If, however, TAS's golden ear award is deserved, then it could be the bargain of the year!!
Hope this helps.
As for the Mac, I've listened to several of their amps and one integrated (not analytically) and whatever systems they were in I simply was not impressed. Then I started reading a few reviewers comments about the Mac line.
Just like any piece of equipment, the Mac isn't for everybody. The Macs are very good looking, however.