thanks for the suggetions -
today, i purchased a line conditioner which failed to alleviate the problem. it wil be returned asap.
also, i did open the amp to check the transformer, but it seemed very securely fastened. i'll give it another look.
it's a huge transformer. there's already a bolt through the middle, but the washers aren't very big. i have some left over foam rubber circles with matching washers from my salamander archetype rack - maybe i'll try clamping down with those. also, i checked with the manufacturer - he'll replace the trans, upgrade the caps, and give me a 20 year warranty on the amp, but that's $400 i don't have...
as for the capacitors, i guess i can check those - do they just 'push' in?
i haven't cut the other circuits in the house yet, but i guess that's an option. i am also planning on trying the amp at a friend's house to make sure that it is an internal problem and not an environmental one. i will also research the Ah Offset Killer.
thanks again, i'll keep you posted.