Smallest tube system for bed room

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to build myself a small system for my bedroom... I was thinking of going tubes for amp/preamp... My budget is very limited ($2,000-$2,500 for the whole system). Anyone has any recommendation speakers (Sonus Faber Concertino like size), amp/preamp and Cd player?

I was thinking to get a tube integrated amp in order to save space. I'm not looking for a powerfull amp (I guess under 20 watts is more that enough). My WAF doesn't like the idea of getting a system in the bedroom, so I have to get the smallest system possible.

Also, is there a cd player that has a really small footprint?

This has been brought up before, but what about the small "DJ" CD players (cute little things that are usually approx. 8" x 8")? Think they start @ about $180 or so. Has anyone tried these?

For the amp itself, I would go single ended. The Audion Sterling (basic model) with one input and a volume pot runs around $1200 (new). It has a narrow profile (half or less of standard width) and is very nice looking in chrome and black and/or stainless and black (the gold finish is not to my taste). It uses a single EL34 on each side with a 6922 input and 5687 driver tube. I owned an Audion Silver Night (same chassis but uses 300B output tubes) and my wife loved the looks. You can also use other output tubes (quite a few others) with the Sterling if you feel like experimenting down the road. It is auto bias and you just pop them in.

Speakers for the Audion could be anything 90dB and above, in a small area, as it puts out 12 watts/side. The Audion gear also runs 4 ohm loads like a breeze which will broaden your speaker selection.
CD player Cambridge 500se $450 retail $300ish used
Titus XS $500 retail $390ish used
good speaker stands $200 retail or less buy new
Consonance tube integrated$1500 retail $1100ish used
balance on cables/music

I am familiar with all these and this would be a kick booty system. Stack amp on CD player to save space.

I think the consonace though not that well known is (as the cambridge and Titus) one of the best values in high-end audio today.

Consonance makes a number of units with choices of tube configuration. I like the EL34 (40watt) version best but you may want something else. Unit is $1795 with remote.
you can see the line at one of the agon dealers at:

Now if you don't have to have tube or a remote I am using the Bluenote Steroid 1(Italian made by Industrie Audio VOX) 30w integrated $600 retail which has a superb synergy with Titus (which I also have). This amp, though not fancy, has it where it counts, and I like as well as stuff in the 1500 to 2000 range. I understand that they now have a remote version but I haven't heard it and it is several hundred dollars more. Don't get turned off by the looks it will be the one of the best purchases you will ever make. - very smooth, warm, detailed, great wide soundstage.

If you went the Blue Note route you will have a lot left over for cables and music and you will be really happy.

good luck feel free to contact me if you want to talk further.

Synthesis from Italy makes a small integrated and matching CD player that is tiny but has killer sound. One of the Audiogon vendors Symphony Sound carries the line and I heard them at their showroom. They were nice guys give their site a look I believe they have pictures of the amp. Do not be fooled by the picture, the amp is much smaller in person.
Decware Zen integrated amp ($1500)
Loth-X BS-1 or used Epos 12 ($600)
Cambridge 500SE or original Rega Planet ($400)
And enjoy all the music you will hear! And I mean all of it; unless you want a lot of bass energy these will get you boogeying down and loving it all, seriously!
The Planet is not stackable, so perhaps not appropriate.
I own Decware's amps, they are something special...low powered but extremely faithful to the source, more so than anything mentioned except the Berning (even lower powered).